Despite his political doublespeak, we can all see

Bob Corlew is part of the swamp



Bob Corlew defended and sought leniency for a corrupt public official, who pleaded guilty to illegally profiting off the sale of cigarettes to prison inmates.1


Corlew advocated for increasing his own taxpayer- funded politician salary by a whopping 75%.2


Tennessee has filed a tax lien against Bob Corlew’s business for failure to pay taxes.3


Corlew ruled the state of Tennessee MUST communicate in other languages to cater to non-English speaking immigrants, which discourages them from learning English.4

Carpet Bagger & Career Politician

Corlew is a 30+ year career politician, who isn't even from the 6th district. Corlew only changed his residency in August of 2017, right ahead of his candidacy. 5

SOURCES: (1); (2) Tennessean, 12/14/83; Tennessean, 1/6/84; (3) Tennessee Department of Revenue, Notice of State Tax Lien Against Corlew Family Investments LLC, Filed 10/8/12; (4) The Tennessean, 7/2/06 (5) Rutherford County Election Commission, Robert Corlew’s Records, Accessed 2/13/18