I appreciate your interest and contribution to the campaign:

If you would prefer to contribute by mail, please make your check payable to “John Rose for Tennessee” and send to:
John Rose for Tennessee
P.O. Box 2404
Cookeville, TN 38502

By clicking the donate button I certify that my contribution is made from personal funds, I am a US citizen or Green Card holder, this contribution will not be reimbursed by another person, and my contribution should be designated as described below.

The maximum amount an individual may contribute is $16,800 ($33,600 per couple): $2,900 towards the 2022 primary, $2,900 towards the 2022 general, $2,800 towards 2020 primary debt retirement, $2,800 towards 2020 general debt retirement, $2,700 towards 2018 primary debt retirement and $2,700 towards 2018 general debt retirement. Federal multi-candidate PACs may contribute $5,000 per election. Unless designated otherwise by the contributor, all contributions received will be designated first towards the 2022 primary, up to the maximum contribution limit, then towards the 2022 general, up to the maximum contribution limit, then towards 2018 primary debt retirement, up to the maximum contribution limit, then towards 2018 general debt retirement, up to the maximum contribution limit, then towards 2020 primary debt retirement, up to the maximum contribution limit, and finally towards 2020 general debt retirement to the extent that this will not exceed your contribution limit for any particular election.

Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law prohibits corporate and foreign national contributions. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Contributions from labor unions, federal-government contractors, national banks, and foreign nationals without permanent residency status are prohibited. Contributions will be used in connection with federal elections and are subject to the limitations and prohibitions of federal law.